Total Cost of Ownership

Clouda's TCO Calculator

Discover how Clouda can help your business reduce high platform costs and increase revenue, based on your TCO numbers.

What is TCO Calculator?

A TCO calculator is a useful tool for estimating the total cost of ownership (TCO) associated with a product or service. TCO encompasses not just the initial purchase price but also ongoing expenses for operation, maintenance, and support. By using a TCO calculator, one can compare various options and make well-informed decisions.

What factors are considered in assessing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)?

Enterprises use Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) to evaluate both direct and indirect costs associated with a particular purchase or platform. Our TCO assessments take a comprehensive approach to examine all costs, including initial procurement expenses and ongoing operational costs, involved in maintaining an e-commerce platform. Specifically, this calculator’s research design and analysis are influenced by three key TCO drivers:

Calculate TCO

Enter your business details to receive your current ownership costs report.

Want to Conduct a Custom TCO Evaluation? Contact us today!